Obec Dolní Lukavice
obecDolní Lukavice


Village Lišice


   First records date back to the year 1379. Archeological findings from Halstat times say much for popularity of this valley. Original name is Lišce. In the northeast about 1,5 km far away from the village rose in 1787 a settlement Račany (also Hradčany), having preserved roughly the same number   of population. The village Lišice together with the settlement Račany reached population maximum by end of the 20ies last century when about 399 inhabitants were registered here.

   At the same time 153 inhabitants have permanent domicile here in 50 houses, there are 5 unoccupied houses and 17 housing units are used for recreation. There are over 70 holiday houses by most on the hill by Úhlava. Many inhabitants have subconsciously accepted a holiday (pioneer) camp, as to its attractive area.

     Total cadastral acreage amounts to 413,2965 ha, farmland 317,1706 ha and forest lands 42,10 ha. Cadastral territory no. 629715. 

     In 2003   23,79 ha land was administratively made over to Chlumčany land register, together with the settlement Račany, having officially been governed since 1961 from Chlumčany.

constructed over the village as a storm sewer drained out into the river Úhlava near to the village. Though recovery programme assumes construction of waste water sewerage attached to STP of the catchment village Dolní Lukavice, in the meantime waste water is drained out through septic tanks into existing sewerage network. With new works this is solved by a sump with complete disposal.

water main
there is no water main in the village, water main feeder supply from the village Dolní Lukavice, attached to the feeder of the city Přeštice   is forseen.

A general store is being provided to supply inhabitants (open on Monday thru Saturday). A missing cultural facility will arise through extension of the general store bought by the village from ZKD Plzeň.

Basic transportation network structure in the area is made by the road of the 3 rd class running in direction of Dolní Lukavice – Předenice. In addition one local road connecting Lišice and Horní Lukavice. Two field paths go to local forests and the village Hradčany.


The village is fully supplied with power and gas. Now there are total 21 gas mains pipes here.


Human sources

There live total 153 inhabitants with permanent domicile here, out of whom 17 % in the age under 15 let, 17,5 % 15-30, 24,5% 31-50, 19%   60   and 22 % over 60 years old. Economically active are 47 % and out of them 81 %   commute to work out of the village. Right in the village there are 10 job positions, above all in the agricultural company Lukrena s.r.o. In addition there is one private farm here. Small services are provided in a car repair shop, also a furniture store is here.

Waste disposal

The village sorts (plastics, glass, paper and metallic waste) with disposal according to need, municipal waste is disposed every week by Marius Pedersen group s.r.o. residing in Pilsen. Within waste disposal service of the union of villages of district Pilsen-south hazardous waste material is disposed free of charge twice a year. 


 Basic transport service is provided on Monday to Friday by ČSAD Autobusy Plzeň a.s. and regarding citizens´needs it is sufficient in direction to Přeštice as well as to Pilsen. Nearest railway station is in Přeštice with the option to take directions of Plzeň and/or Klatovy.   

Early in the 60ies Lišice was incorporated under administration of the centre village Dolní Lukavice, where from it has been governed   even nowadays.






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today, Wednesday 11. 9. 2024
light rain 17 °C 10 °C
Thursday 12. 9. light rain 12/8 °C
Friday 13. 9. moderate rain 10/8 °C
Saturday 14. 9. heavy intensity rain 11/8 °C